Anne Zellien focuses on sustainability

Throughout the past decade of her career Anne has focused even more specifically on particularly beautiful, perfectly finished ‘basic pieces’ that are ideal for passing on to the next generation.

As far as Anne is concerned, an item of jewellery is not merely a seasonal accessory but a gem to be cherished that reminds us of our loved ones and key moments in our lives.

She designs and assembles each item of jewellery with great care and attention. Several times a year she goes on a ‘gem hunt’ to buy gems that touch and inspire her into creating subtle colour combinations. Then she starts sketching, filling many a sketchbook because Anne draws inspiration from everything she sees, reads or hears.

Her goldsmiths, who have been working for her for many years, know exactly how to interpret her sketches. In her Antwerp workshop, situated above her shop, they forge each jewel by hand. They are familiar with her high expectations and, working together with Anne, always produce a perfect finish.

Anne considers herself lucky to be surrounded by such a team and the high end collections they create on her behalf.